The night before my first chemo infusion, a dear friend shared a Bible verse with me that has stayed with me ever since: Joshua 1:9. The verse carries such a powerful message, one that gave me peace and strength when I needed it most.
I’m happy to report that my first infusion went smoothly without any major issues. The pre-chemo medications did their job, though they left me struggling with sleeplessness for days. But overall, my side effects were mild and manageable. I had some body aches, fatigue, and dizziness, and for a while, it felt like I was disconnected from my body—like I wasn’t fully here.
By Thursday, I was given IV fluids, and by Friday, I was already feeling about 80% better. By the weekend, I was feeling almost like myself again—enough to take a drive and enjoy lunch with my love. It was such a gift to feel normal again, even for just a little while.
Today, I start my second round of chemotherapy, but it will be a little different this time. I’ll only be receiving one drug instead of three, so I’m hopeful that the side effects will be even more manageable. I’m approaching it with optimism and faith, knowing that each step is getting me closer to kicking cancer’s a$$.
One day at a time, one step at a time--All things happen in God's time.
🩷 Marla
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You such a strong lady. You inspire me and so many. You are going to kick this because of your strength faith and from those who love you.