Faith: It’s a quiet, unwavering trust—whether in something you can see or something you can’t.
This word found me last night, in the stillness of countless hours spent awake, the weight of two steroid doses needed to battle the side effects of the first upcoming chemotherapy round.
Faith, to me, takes many forms. I have faith in the people I love—in my family and friends. Even if we’re apart, I know with all my heart that they are there for me. Their strength lifts me up, their love surrounds me, and I draw so much comfort from knowing they’re with me, always.
I have faith in God. Though I can’t see Him, I can feel His presence in every step I take. I trust that He’s walking beside me, guiding me through this journey. I know He has a purpose for me, and I believe with everything inside me that He’s not finished with me yet.
And then, there’s the faith I have in my doctors and my care team. Sometimes, this is the hardest faith to hold. But I know I’m surrounded by a team of incredible people who are doing everything they can to help me fight this cancer. I trust them deeply and believe they will help me find healing.
One day at a time, one step at a time--All things happen in God's time.
🩷 Marla
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You are so brave your strength is so incredible and having faith will get you through this journey. You have so many people behind you with their love and support. I am and will be there for you every step of the way. I love you Sweetheart
Faith can move mountains!!! Stay strong in your faith & keep fighting!!!!